Monday, August 08, 2005

Hook me up.

Have you ever felt that you just needed an extra zap in the morning to get you going? Or maybe you're the type that forgets to charge the cell phone before heading out the door. Or even worse, you leave your charger at home while on vacation like I do. Well soon the wonderful Iowa State University will solve these, and other, problems for you. Right now research is being done on wearable solar cell technology.

I don't think I'll buy any of these techy items until they come out in a color that matches my eyes, but I'm definitely interested to see if this idea goes anywhere and what items, if any

1 comment:

Thelonious said...

Hey Samantha,

I like your blog. You chose a tasteful and stylish template. (Same as mine.) Ryan's blog sort of got me started on the blogging thing, too.

Sorry I took you down in poker on Friday, despite my best efforts not to realize it.
