Monday, October 31, 2005

Lead me, don't tease me

This past weekend was my last ballroom competition as a college student :( It was a pretty successful comp and I think that all of our new competitors had a great time. My highlights of the day included 3rd place in Tango and West Coast with Jill leading, 2nd in Waltz and Hustle with Bryan, and 1st in American Rumba with Bryan, Jack and Jill Waltz with #133, and Merengue with me leading Kathy!

I also got to drive one of the 15 passenger vans with Thomas as my co-pilot. We had the sweet setup shown below to pump our iPod music throughout the van. I love my Belkin TuneCast II FM transmitter and power adapter! There are a few cables to deal with, but once it's laid out in a good spot, there isn't a problem.

It's great for long rides because the power adapter takes care of the iPod and the transmitter, hence all of the cables. The transmitter does a great job with reception and you can choose from the whole spectrum of radio channels, so finding a free frequency is not a problem. Now I just need a new source for road trips.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Embrace your roots

I don't remember all of the fun things for my Apple back in the day, but who could forget Number Munchers and Oregon Trail? Here is an awesome site that supplies good entertainment for several hours. I'm sure I'll at least use it to keep up on my math skills :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cheap lovers make expensive wives....

I don't have any experience with this, so is it true, and if so, why? Does that make expensive lovers cheap wives, or is there no connection? Do they think because they were cheap before they can get more now that they are not just a lover?

This song came on today so I decided to post my internal question about this line so that I can get some input. But now for your visual enjoyment... a pretty:
Name the spot this photo was taken from and get 5 life points. I don't know what they accumulate for, but it could be fun.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Philosopher's World

Have you ever felt like you have too much energy and potential to do really good things for people, but you're stuck? I've been feeling this way for a while and I relate it to chemistry (dorky I know, but deal!): When you learn about heat and molecules and how when you heat the molecules up, they move faster and faster... This is me only in a tiny box so that I keep smacking the sides over and over wanting to get out and do something. I've decided that after I get settled into my new home I'm going to try to get a little sister or brother. No, not biological, but one through Big Brothers, Big Sisters. I think this could be a fun way to channel my energy since I love kids and can hopefully make a positive difference in someone's life. I have actually been thinking about doing it since last summer, but I tend to do everything on the long-term, so only being able to dedicate a summer was not good enough. The downside to this solution is that I still have to exert patience, but in the meantime I can sit and ponder fun activities to do with my future "little". Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 13, 2005


I am now officially done with my half semester tech elective, w00t! My group gave our kickass presentation on Wednesday and I turned in my take home final today and now I just need the good ol' Dr. to give me my A and I'll be happy. This also means that I should theoretically have more time on my hands, but we should all know by now that when this rare event does happen, new activities manage to find their way into my path.

And now to throw a "you had to be there" moment in... My engineering meeting tonight was filled with fun jabs at random majors and my favorite run started with a ChemE stating that she could "do whatever she wanted" with her major, the counter attack from a CprE saying that he would hack her systems and make it backfire, so she then decided that she could blow him up. And it all ended with an Industrial Engineer saying that his major was great because it "isn't all guys" and an AgE saying that she loved her major because of all the guys. It was sad, but very entertaining.

I need a theme song...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ok, I'll play too...

Does my character looked tired or just scared?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'm a big kid now

I have made my big step toward the world after school; I accepted a job! I'll be working at Intermec with all of the cool people and living with my good friend Jordan again. Now that I have a job set up for myself, I wish I could transfer my other offers to people who are still waiting or at least help them more than by just listening to their worries. The Bobby Mcferin song doesn't seem to help much either...

In other news, everyone should go to the Frightmare Forest on October 15th and 22nd and pay for parking so Ballroom can earn some money! I will be doing the parking thing and NOT scaring because I'm such a chicken that I wouldn't be able to scare anyone else. So as long as you're not scaring me, happy haunting season!