Saturday, July 09, 2005

Row, row, row your boat

So I was really excited about these Kayaking trips being sponsored by Indian Creek Nature Center and Seatasea, but apparently so was everyone else. As of Friday only 3 spots were left for the August 19th trip and I can't go then! Well my interest has been piqued enough that I'm going to look for other kayak or canoing opportunities, so if anyone knows about something like this going on in the Cedar Rapids area, please let me know.

On another note, my post office adventure ended in success and I got the chance to use one of their awesome stamp vending machines. One thing I didn't expect from the vending machine was that it would only take debit or credit cards. I suppose their cheapest stamp option was around $6, but the lack of a paper money option still surprised me. This could also be because I was tired at that point. A word to the wise next time you need stamps at 10pm, make sure you have plastic money with you, because only plastic makes it possible!

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