Saturday, July 09, 2005

Big badda boom!

Like blowing things up or at least watching? Well head on down to Ames on July 19th for the Knapp-Storms Implosion. That's right, they are finally tearing down part of Towers residence halls and you can watch in person, on TV, or on via a web cam. I say this is definitely worth a field trip including lunch at Hickory Park that has the best ice cream!


Anonymous said...

So did you take the day off too for this? Tom *almost* offered to pay me for the time off (seems being a Hawkeye fan, he enjoys the thought of precious ISU buildings being blown up).

Anonymous said...

I saw that on the interweb, thanks to the numerous videos being posted on StrangeTalk right after the building went down. Honestly, I'm sad to see it go. Of course, every year since 1990, the story has been that "towers is coming down next year" but actually seeing it go down reminded me of the times I stayed in that building, for OM and such. Ah well. The moving guy is here, so I must go. Tschaio!