Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cheap lovers make expensive wives....

I don't have any experience with this, so is it true, and if so, why? Does that make expensive lovers cheap wives, or is there no connection? Do they think because they were cheap before they can get more now that they are not just a lover?

This song came on today so I decided to post my internal question about this line so that I can get some input. But now for your visual enjoyment... a pretty:
Name the spot this photo was taken from and get 5 life points. I don't know what they accumulate for, but it could be fun.


---ryan said...

Looks like the front range. I'm going to guess, Lookout Mountain in the Denver/Golden area.

Samantha said...

Ding ding ding. It was taken near Buffalo Bill's grave on Lookout Mountain.

Jason said...

Ryan already got the life points, so my guess is a bit late. Maybe he can apply them to his favorite full-screen app of choice.

You really don't want me attempting to answer your other question. Children might be reading.

Momentary Laps of VIsin said...

what a nice photo, i think I gained some life points myself by watching the scenery
best wishes