Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tom Sawyer for an evening

I finally got to go kayaking this past Friday with Seatasea and it was fantastic! I loved every second of it and I don't want to wait until April for the next opportunity. Ryan has already blogged about this same trip that he went on in August, so I'll just add highlights from my experience.

I ended up trying out a Dirigo by Old Town and it suited me pretty well. I have never kayaked before this trip, so it took a little bit to get used to the paddle stroke that we were shown. It was very different from the dig and pull method used in canoing, but once I got going, my kayak was easy to maneuver. The current wasn't very strong, so if you wanted to go anywhere you HAD to paddle; no speed floating like you can in a canoe.

The whole trip was quite nice and the new people I met added to the excitement. There were two other girls about my age, but they pretty much stayed together, so I had fun paddling between everyone else and talking to new people. The river was just the right size to socialize with everyone or paddle off to one of the sides and explore by yourself.

One other tidbit is that Seatasea will be selling the boats that they use for these trips at a discount starting November 1st. One of the owners will be fixing any that have lost screws or various other wear and tear items before they sell them, so it could be a great opportunity to invest in a kayak... and then let me borrow it until I get my own!

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