Wednesday, July 02, 2008


We stopped to visit some friends from college at the start of our vacation and caught the last showing of Wall-E Friday night. I love Pixar movies and haven't been disappointed yet. This one was no exception.

I love how Pixar can personify objects and animals so well. It's amazing how they can evoke feelings about cars and create robots with emotions. I also loved how the Mac start up sound was used when Wall-E rebooted! I wonder how much that cost them.

The other thing I loved is how Pixar throws up mirrors (not literally) so that we can take a nice long look at ourselves during the movie. If you have seen the previews then you know that the story is based on humans ruining Earth with garbage and pollution. The the real kicker for me is how they show our race over 700 years after they left. I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it yet, but I do applaud Pixar for making a statement in their entertaining way. Unfortunately, the people who most need to see it probably won't or they won't understand the relevance outside of the theater.

I guess this is my official plug for Wall-E. See it to be entertained, see it to think, see it to love Pixar and their awesome productions.


Jason said...

Still waiting to see it, but I have no doubt it is awesome. Kung Fu Panda is also (which is what we saw instead this weekend).

I can guarantee the Mac startup sound cost them nothing. Steve Jobs IS Pixar and Apple.

---ryan said...

Yup, as Jason says, I'm pretty sure the sound was included as a favor to Apple. Jobs is on the Disney board of directors and was once CEO of Pixar if you've forgotten :) It also seems Johnny Ive participated in the making of the movie.

Samantha said...

Good call guys. I had temporarily forgotten about the Pixar-Jobs love. The Johnny Ive input is pretty cool. I love when collaboration can bring great minds together and something wonderful is produced.