Thursday, April 27, 2006

If I scrunch up my cord and let go...

a bunch of posts come out all at once. Let's skip the part where I admit that I suck for not posting in a long time. Weather does funny things to people. It can create allergy problems, it can lift peoples' spirits, and apparently it encourages some people to smoke more often and with large quantities of other smokers.

I have been riding the bus now for several months and there is only one building standing between the bus depot and where I work. I can either go through the entry way (great for cold days) or walk around the outside (great for enjoying the weather). During the cold months there would sometimes be one, maybe two, people shivering outside having a hit of nicotine by the door. Now that the weather has changed to favor more outside activities, smoking has become the popular outside activity for this building. What makes it worse for me is that not only is there a large quantity of smokers outside when I walk by, but both of my potential walking routes are blocked by at least three cloud sources. I also love the section of a conversation I overheard as I ran by the outside pack of polluters. Smoker A asked if Smoker B was ready to go in yet and Smoker B proudly responded, "No, I like to stay out here until the very last minute. I'm a chain smoker you know." Fantastic for you, and thank you so much for sharing bits your addiction with me. Why can't they have those smoking booths like in the airports for outside areas too? They can still get their hits and hang with their friends, but I wouldn't have to practice speed walking while holding my breath.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Seal the booths at the airport, and over time maybe you will solve your problem at work...I'm just sayin'...

I feel your pain.